Raccolta bibliografica Therapeutic Effects of Butyrate on Pediatric Obesity A Randomized Clinical TrialbutirratoINSULINO RESISTENZAmicrobiota intestinaleObesità pediatricaSodium butyrate (SB) ameliorated inflammation of COPD induced by cigarette smoke through activating the GPR43 to inhibit NF-κB/MAPKs signaling pathwaysbutirrato di sodioCOPD (malattia ostruttiva cronica polmonare)GPR43MAPK (protein chinasi)Nf-kBThe effectiveness of microencapsulated sodium butyrate at reducing symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndromebutirrato di sodiosindrome dell'intestino irritabileSINTOMISovrappesoMicroencapsulated sodium butyrate administered to patients with diverticulosis decreases incidence of diverticulitis – a prospective randomized studybutirrato di sodiodiverticolitediverticolosiprevenzioneMicrobiota changes induced by microencapsulated sodium butyrate in patients with inflammatory bowel diseaseAcidi grassi a catena cortaInfiammazione intestinaleMalattie infiammatorie intestinaliMetagenomicaPrebioticiAbundance of Probiotics and Butyrate-Production Microbiome Manages Constipation via Short-Chain Fatty Acids Production and Hormones SecretionbutirratoDiversitàMetabolitimicrobiota intestinalestipsiLactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 and Bifidobacterium lactis UABla-12 Improve Abdominal Pain Severity and Symptomology in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Randomized Controlled TrialABITUDINI INTESTINALIDolore addominaleIBSmicrobiomaPROBIOTICOFunctional bowel disorders with diarrhoea: Clinical guidelines of the United European Gastroenterology and European Society for Neurogastroenterology and MotilitydiarreaDISORDINI FUNZIONALI DELL’INTESTINODolore addominaleIBSIBS-DLINEE GUIDAAnalysis of gut microbiota of obese individuals with type 2 diabetes and healthy individualsDIABETE DI TIPO 2disbiosimicrobiota intestinaleOBESITA’A higher bacterial inward BCAA transport driven by Faecalibacterium prausnitzii is associated with lower serum levels of BCAA in early adolescentsAMINOACIDI RAMIFICATIF.PRAUSNITZIIINSULINO RESISTENZAmicrobiota intestinaleEffects of a Low-Fat Vegan Diet on Gut Microbiota in Overweight Individuals and Relationships with Body Weight, Body Composition, and Insulin Sensitivity.DIETAmicrobiota intestinaleNUTRIZIONEOBESITA’PERDITA DI PESOThe efect of Clostridium butyricum on symptoms and fecal microbiota in diarrhea-dominant irritable bowel syndrome: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trialC.BUTYRICUMIBSQUALITA’ DELLA VITASINTOMIMicrobiota changes induced by microencapsulated sodium butyrate in patients with inflammatory bowel diseaseColondisbiosiIBDmalattie infiammatorie croniche dell'intestinoMicrobiotasodio-butirratoTherapeutic Effects of Butyrate on Pediatric Obesity A Randomized Clinical TrialEFFICACIAOBESITA’ INFATILESUPPLEMENTAZIONE BUTIRRATOAssociation between Brachyspira and irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoeaBRACHYSPIRAIBS-DMUCOSupplementation with Akkermansia muciniphila in overweight and obese human volunteers: a proof-of-concept exploratory studyA.muciniphilaDIABETEOBESITA’PERMEABILITA’ DI MUCOSA
Therapeutic Effects of Butyrate on Pediatric Obesity A Randomized Clinical TrialbutirratoINSULINO RESISTENZAmicrobiota intestinaleObesità pediatrica
Sodium butyrate (SB) ameliorated inflammation of COPD induced by cigarette smoke through activating the GPR43 to inhibit NF-κB/MAPKs signaling pathwaysbutirrato di sodioCOPD (malattia ostruttiva cronica polmonare)GPR43MAPK (protein chinasi)Nf-kB
The effectiveness of microencapsulated sodium butyrate at reducing symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndromebutirrato di sodiosindrome dell'intestino irritabileSINTOMISovrappeso
Microencapsulated sodium butyrate administered to patients with diverticulosis decreases incidence of diverticulitis – a prospective randomized studybutirrato di sodiodiverticolitediverticolosiprevenzione
Microbiota changes induced by microencapsulated sodium butyrate in patients with inflammatory bowel diseaseAcidi grassi a catena cortaInfiammazione intestinaleMalattie infiammatorie intestinaliMetagenomicaPrebiotici
Abundance of Probiotics and Butyrate-Production Microbiome Manages Constipation via Short-Chain Fatty Acids Production and Hormones SecretionbutirratoDiversitàMetabolitimicrobiota intestinalestipsi
Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 and Bifidobacterium lactis UABla-12 Improve Abdominal Pain Severity and Symptomology in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Randomized Controlled TrialABITUDINI INTESTINALIDolore addominaleIBSmicrobiomaPROBIOTICO
Functional bowel disorders with diarrhoea: Clinical guidelines of the United European Gastroenterology and European Society for Neurogastroenterology and MotilitydiarreaDISORDINI FUNZIONALI DELL’INTESTINODolore addominaleIBSIBS-DLINEE GUIDA
Analysis of gut microbiota of obese individuals with type 2 diabetes and healthy individualsDIABETE DI TIPO 2disbiosimicrobiota intestinaleOBESITA’
A higher bacterial inward BCAA transport driven by Faecalibacterium prausnitzii is associated with lower serum levels of BCAA in early adolescentsAMINOACIDI RAMIFICATIF.PRAUSNITZIIINSULINO RESISTENZAmicrobiota intestinale
Effects of a Low-Fat Vegan Diet on Gut Microbiota in Overweight Individuals and Relationships with Body Weight, Body Composition, and Insulin Sensitivity.DIETAmicrobiota intestinaleNUTRIZIONEOBESITA’PERDITA DI PESO
The efect of Clostridium butyricum on symptoms and fecal microbiota in diarrhea-dominant irritable bowel syndrome: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trialC.BUTYRICUMIBSQUALITA’ DELLA VITASINTOMI
Microbiota changes induced by microencapsulated sodium butyrate in patients with inflammatory bowel diseaseColondisbiosiIBDmalattie infiammatorie croniche dell'intestinoMicrobiotasodio-butirrato
Therapeutic Effects of Butyrate on Pediatric Obesity A Randomized Clinical TrialEFFICACIAOBESITA’ INFATILESUPPLEMENTAZIONE BUTIRRATO
Supplementation with Akkermansia muciniphila in overweight and obese human volunteers: a proof-of-concept exploratory studyA.muciniphilaDIABETEOBESITA’PERMEABILITA’ DI MUCOSA